Thursday, 14 July 2011

Taking the First Step

Even where the theology and principles of tailored mission strategies are understood, making it happen is something else.  This is where some specialist and experienced outside help will be required.  Tailored Mission Strategies has been developed by Rural Mission Solutions led by Barry Osborne.  Barry is an ordained minister within the Congregational Federation and has a life time of working with rural churches of all kinds of denominations in all kinds of settlements across Britain.

In addition to his theological training and many years of pastoral leadership he also has secular management qualifications and experience, having been a director of a number of small companies and charities.  He has taught rural mission modules in a number of theological colleges and is the author of books on rural mission.  He is part of the Churches Rural Group (part of Churches Together in England), administers the national Rural Evangelism Network and is a regular contributor to Country Way magazine.  Within the Congregational Federation he heads up the Inter-Church Board responsible for ecumenical relations.

Any church that is interested in developing tailored mission strategies has the opportunity of either having Barry's help or that of someone trained by him.

Barry says that working with local churches to develop tailored mission strategies is also like teaching someone to ride a bicycle.  They need to get on the bike or they will never learn.  They might need advice on ensuring that the structures are right (saddle and handlebar height), they might need advice on where to set their vision and how to maintain balance.  Most of all they need support to start off with so running alongside for a while might be helpful.  But as soon as possible they should manage on their own, while prepared for the odd  hiccup!

Incidentally, Rural Mission Solutions do not charge for any of their resources and time.  Travel costs and accommodation (if necessary) do need to be covered.

To get started give Barry a call on 01858-414930 or  He will arrange a no-obligation initial visit to you.  If you are happy to proceed beyond that the next step will probably be an away day for as many of your core congregation as possible.