Thursday, 14 July 2011

God's Part - Our Part (theological reflection)

For many years I had a strong emphasis on the part that God plays in evangelism.  Texts such as "Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord" (Zechariah 4:6) were commonly quoted.  I am now inclined more to believe that we far too frequently ask God to do for us what he is wanting us to do for him.  That is not to say that we should engage in evangelism, or any other aspect of mission, relying only in our own ability. The Holy Spirit's anointing on our efforts is vital, and there are elements that are entirely down to God.  However, what God expects of us is well worth exploring.

Have you ever wondered exactly what the parable of the minas (Luke 19) is about?  A man has ten servants to whom he entrusts one mina each. He tells them to put what he has entrusted to them to work but leaves to their judgement how to do that.  In other words he delegates responsibility and autonomy.  On his return each servant has to give account for how he has acted on the instructions.  We read of two whose mina has made a substantial profit.  They are rewarded.  Then one man comes who has kept the mina safe for fear of failure.  He is judged for his failure to follow the instruction given and so suffers loss.  The aspect of delegated autonomy is interesting.

In Luke 16 we read of a parable Jesus told about a shrewd manager (Greek: oikonomos).  Oikonomos is a word that commonly describes a household manager employed by a wealthy person, but the Bible also uses it in to describe a senior civil servant - possibly a city treasurer (Romans 16:23-24).  In other words, someone managing resources that are not his own.  Management always implies delegated responsibility, delegated autonomy, and ultimate accountability.  In the Bible passage the manager is fired for inefficiency.  He uses his autonomy to reduce amounts owned to his master so that he gains favour with the debtors.  In the process he probably helped his employer's cash flow.  His master comments that if he had shown such initiative sooner he would not have been fired.  Once more it is about autonomy.

Paul uses the word oikonomos relating to his own ministry role, the role of local church elders, and the ministry of the gospel.  In connection with his own ministry Paul states in ! Corinthians 4:2 that it is required [of an oikonomos] that he is found faithful.  That is that he demonstrates that he is worthy of the trust shown by the one who delegated the responsibility and autonomy.

If as Christians, called into discipleship and mission, we perceive this as a trust from God, and that we have autonomy, then we need to apply ourselves to the task in as professional way as possible.  To what extent are poor outcomes, church decline and weakness in mission the consequences of our failure as managers of the tasks in hand?  Are we crying out to God to do for us that which we have failed to do for him?

When I undertook a university course in management it shed light upon my own theology of mission.  The work of Rural Mission Solutions and particularly the process of developing Tailored Mission Strategies grew out of that.  My management training had an emphasis on regenerating failing businesses by employing the right strategies.  I had not realised it at the time and had enrolled on the course to improve administrative skills.  However, it has proved incredibly appropriate and helpful.

We cannot succeed without God but can do better if we learn to manage properly.  Can we help you in your work?

Barry Osborne

Centre for Rural Mission
4 Clarence Street
LE 16 7NE